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List of Emotes

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Timed Free Emotes - Formated Python List

free_emotes: list[tuple[str, str]] = [
("Sit", "idle-loop-sitfloor"),
("Enthused", "idle-enthusiastic"),
("Yes", "emote-yes"),
("The Wave", "emote-wave"),
("Tired", "emote-tired"),
("Snowball Fight!", "emote-snowball"),
("Snow Angel", "emote-snowangel"),
("Shy", "emote-shy"),
("Sad", "emote-sad"),
("No", "emote-no"),
("Model", "emote-model"),
("Flirty Wave", "emote-lust"),
("Laugh", "emote-laughing"),
("Kiss", "emote-kiss"),
("Sweating", "emote-hot"),
("Hello", "emote-hello"),
("Greedy Emote", "emote-greedy"),
("Face Palm", "emote-exasperatedb"),
("Curtsy", "emote-curtsy"),
("Confusion", "emote-confused"),
("Charging", "emote-charging"),
("Bow", "emote-bow"),
("Thumbs Up", "emoji-thumbsup"),
("Tummy Ache", "emoji-gagging"),
("Flex", "emoji-flex"),
("Cursing Emote", "emoji-cursing"),
("Raise The Roof", "emoji-celebrate"),
("Angry", "emoji-angry"),
("Savage Dance", "dance-tiktok8"),
("Don't Start Now", "dance-tiktok2"),
("Let's Go Shopping", "dance-shoppingcart"),
("Russian Dance", "dance-russian"),
("Penny's Dance", "dance-pennywise"),
("Macarena", "dance-macarena"),
("K-Pop Dance", "dance-blackpink"),
("Hyped", "emote-hyped"),
("Jinglebell", "dance-jinglebell"),
("Nervous", "idle-nervous"),
("Toilet", "idle-toilet"),
("Astronaut", "emote-astronaut"),
("Dance Zombie", "dance-zombie"),
("Heart Eyes", "emote-hearteyes"),
("Swordfight", "emote-swordfight"),
("TimeJump", "emote-timejump"),
("Snake", "emote-snake"),
("Heart Fingers", "emote-heartfingers"),
("Float", "emote-float"),
("Telekinesis", "emote-telekinesis"),
("Penguin dance", "dance-pinguin"),
("Creepy puppet", "dance-creepypuppet"),
("Sleigh", "emote-sleigh"),
("Maniac", "emote-maniac"),
("Energy Ball", "emote-energyball"),
("Singing", "idle_singing"),
("Frog", "emote-frog"),
("Superpose", "emote-superpose"),
("Cute", "emote-cute"),
("TikTok Dance 9", "dance-tiktok9"),
("Weird Dance", "dance-weird"),
("TikTok Dance 10", "dance-tiktok10"),
("Pose 7", "emote-pose7"),
("Pose 8", "emote-pose8"),
("Casual Dance", "idle-dance-casual"),
("Pose 1", "emote-pose1"),
("Pose 3", "emote-pose3"),
("Pose 5", "emote-pose5"),
("Cutey", "emote-cutey"),
("Punk Guitar", "emote-punkguitar"),
("Fashionista", "emote-fashionista"),
("Gravity", "emote-gravity"),
("Ice Cream Dance", "dance-icecream"),
("Wrong Dance", "dance-wrong"),
("UwU", "idle-uwu"),
("TikTok Dance 4", "idle-dance-tiktok4"),
("Advanced Shy", "emote-shy2"),
("Anime Dance", "dance-anime"),
("Kawaii", "dance-kawai"),
("Scritchy", "idle-wild"),
("Ice Skating", "emote-iceskating"),
("SurpriseBig", "emote-pose6"),
("Celebration Step", "emote-celebrationstep"),
("Creepycute", "emote-creepycute"),
("Pose 10", "emote-pose10"),
("Boxer", "emote-boxer"),
("Head Blowup", "emote-headblowup"),
('Ditzy Pose', 'emote-pose9'),
('Teleporting', 'emote-teleporting'),
('Touch', 'dance-touch'),
('Air Guitar','idle-guitar'),
("This Is For You", "emote-gift"),
("Push it", "dance-employee"),

timed_free_emotes_list: list[dict] = [
{'value': 'idle-loop-sitfloor', 'text': 'Sit', 'time': 22.321055},
{'value': 'idle-enthusiastic', 'text': 'Enthused', 'time': 15.941537},
{'value': 'emote-yes', 'text': 'Yes', 'time': 2.565001},
{'value': 'emote-wave', 'text': 'The Wave', 'time': 2.690873},
{'value': 'emote-tired', 'text': 'Tired', 'time': 4.61063},
{'value': 'emote-snowball', 'text': 'Snowball Fight!', 'time': 5.230467},
{'value': 'emote-snowangel', 'text': 'Snow Angel', 'time': 6.218627},
{'value': 'emote-shy', 'text': 'Shy', 'time': 4.477567},
{'value': 'emote-sad', 'text': 'Sad', 'time': 5.411073},
{'value': 'emote-no', 'text': 'No', 'time': 2.703034},
{'value': 'emote-model', 'text': 'Model', 'time': 6.490173},
{'value': 'emote-lust', 'text': 'Flirty Wave', 'time': 4.655965},
{'value': 'emote-laughing', 'text': 'Laugh', 'time': 2.69161},
{'value': 'emote-kiss', 'text': 'Kiss', 'time': 2.387175},
{'value': 'emote-hot', 'text': 'Sweating', 'time': 4.353037},
{'value': 'emote-hello', 'text': 'Hello', 'time': 2.734844},
{'value': 'emote-greedy', 'text': 'Greedy Emote', 'time': 4.639828},
{'value': 'emote-exasperatedb', 'text': 'Face Palm', 'time': 2.722748},
{'value': 'emote-curtsy', 'text': 'Curtsy', 'time': 2.425714},
{'value': 'emote-confused', 'text': 'Confusion', 'time': 8.578827},
{'value': 'emote-charging', 'text': 'Charging', 'time': 8.025079},
{'value': 'emote-bow', 'text': 'Bow', 'time': 3.344036},
{'value': 'emoji-thumbsup', 'text': 'Thumbs Up', 'time': 2.702369},
{'value': 'emoji-gagging', 'text': 'Tummy Ache', 'time': 5.500202},
{'value': 'emoji-flex', 'text': 'Flex', 'time': 2.099351},
{'value': 'emoji-cursing', 'text': 'Cursing Emote', 'time': 2.382069},
{'value': 'emoji-celebrate', 'text': 'Raise The Roof', 'time': 3.412258},
{'value': 'emoji-angry', 'text': 'Angry', 'time': 5.760023},
{'value': 'dance-tiktok8', 'text': 'Savage Dance', 'time': 10.938702},
{'value': 'dance-tiktok2', 'text': "Don't Start Now", 'time': 10.392353},
{'value': 'dance-shoppingcart', 'text': "Let's Go Shopping", 'time': 4.316035},
{'value': 'dance-russian', 'text': 'Russian Dance', 'time': 10.252905},
{'value': 'dance-pennywise', 'text': "Penny's Dance", 'time': 1.214349},
{'value': 'dance-macarena', 'text': 'Macarena', 'time': 12.214141},
{'value': 'dance-blackpink', 'text': 'K-Pop Dance', 'time': 7.150958},
{'value': 'emote-hyped', 'text': 'Hyped', 'time': 7.492423},
{'value': 'dance-jinglebell', 'text': 'Jinglebell', 'time': 10.958832},
{'value': 'idle-nervous', 'text': 'Nervous', 'time': 21.714221},
{'value': 'idle-toilet', 'text': 'Toilet', 'time': 32.174447},
{'value': 'emote-astronaut', 'text': 'Astronaut', 'time': 13.791175},
{'value': 'dance-zombie', 'text': 'Dance Zombie', 'time': 12.922772},
{'value': 'emote-hearteyes', 'text': 'Heart Eyes', 'time': 4.034386},
{'value': 'emote-swordfight', 'text': 'Swordfight', 'time': 5.914365},
{'value': 'emote-timejump', 'text': 'TimeJump', 'time': 4.007305},
{'value': 'emote-snake', 'text': 'Snake', 'time': 5.262578},
{'value': 'emote-heartfingers', 'text': 'Heart Fingers', 'time': 4.001974},
{'value': 'emote-float', 'text': 'Float', 'time': 8.995302},
{'value': 'emote-telekinesis', 'text': 'Telekinesis', 'time': 10.492032},
{'value': 'dance-pinguin', 'text': 'Penguin dance', 'time': 11.58291},
{'value': 'dance-creepypuppet', 'text': 'Creepy puppet', 'time': 6.416121},
{'value': 'emote-sleigh', 'text': 'Sleigh', 'time': 11.333165},
{'value': 'emote-maniac', 'text': 'Maniac', 'time': 4.906886},
{'value': 'emote-energyball', 'text': 'Energy Ball', 'time': 7.575354},
{'value': 'idle_singing', 'text': 'Singing', 'time': 10.260182},
{'value': 'emote-frog', 'text': 'Frog', 'time': 14.55257},
{'value': 'emote-superpose', 'text': 'Superpose', 'time': 4.530791},
{'value': 'emote-cute', 'text': 'Cute', 'time': 6.170464},
{'value': 'dance-tiktok9', 'text': 'TikTok Dance 9', 'time': 11.892918},
{'value': 'dance-weird', 'text': 'Weird Dance', 'time': 21.556237},
{'value': 'dance-tiktok10', 'text': 'TikTok Dance 10', 'time': 8.225648},
{'value': 'emote-pose7', 'text': 'Pose 7', 'time': 4.655283},
{'value': 'emote-pose8', 'text': 'Pose 8', 'time': 4.808806},
{'value': 'idle-dance-casual', 'text': 'Casual Dance', 'time': 9.079756},
{'value': 'emote-pose1', 'text': 'Pose 1', 'time': 2.825795},
{'value': 'emote-pose3', 'text': 'Pose 3', 'time': 5.10562},
{'value': 'emote-pose5', 'text': 'Pose 5', 'time': 4.621532},
{'value': 'emote-cutey', 'text': 'Cutey', 'time': 3.26032},
{'value': 'emote-punkguitar', 'text': 'Punk Guitar', 'time': 9.365807},
{'value': 'emote-fashionista', 'text': 'Fashionista', 'time': 5.606485},
{'value': 'emote-gravity', 'text': 'Gravity', 'time': 8.955966},
{'value': 'dance-icecream', 'text': 'Ice Cream Dance', 'time': 14.769573},
{'value': 'dance-wrong', 'text': 'Wrong Dance', 'time': 12.422389},
{'value': 'idle-uwu', 'text': 'UwU', 'time': 24.761968},
{'value': 'idle-dance-tiktok4', 'text': 'TikTok Dance 4', 'time': 15.500708},
{'value': 'emote-shy2', 'text': 'Advanced Shy', 'time': 4.989278},
{'value': 'dance-anime', 'text': 'Anime Dance', 'time': 8.46671},
{'value': 'dance-kawai', 'text': 'Kawaii', 'time': 10.290789},
{'value': 'idle-wild', 'text': 'Scritchy', 'time': 26.422824},
{'value': 'emote-iceskating', 'text': 'Ice Skating', 'time': 7.299156},
{'value': 'emote-pose6', 'text': 'SurpriseBig', 'time': 5.375124},
{'value': 'emote-celebrationstep', 'text': 'Celebration Step', 'time': 3.353703},
{'value': 'emote-creepycute', 'text': 'Creepycute', 'time': 7.902453},
{'value': 'emote-pose10', 'text': 'Pose 10', 'time': 3.989871},
{'value': 'emote-boxer', 'text': 'Boxer', 'time': 5.555702},
{'value': 'emote-headblowup', 'text': 'Head Blowup', 'time': 11.667537},
{'value': 'emote-pose9', 'text': 'Ditzy Pose', 'time': 4.583117},
{'value': 'emote-teleporting', 'text': 'Teleporting', 'time': 11.7676},
{"value": "dance-touch", "text": "Touch", "time": 11.7},
{"value": "idle-guitar", "text": "Air Guitar", "time": 13.229398},
{"value": "emote-gift", "text": "This Is For You", "time": 5.8},
{"value": "dance-employee", "text": "Push it", "time": 8},