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Highrise Bot SDK Changelog

Added on version 23.1.0b13

leave_conversation(self, conversation_id: str) -> None:

Leave a conversation.

This will leave conversation, and bot will no longer receive messages from user in that conversation or have that conversation in his list.

βš™οΈ Use cases

Here we will firts use the leave_conversation method to leave an existing conversation, then we will use the get_message method to retrieve an specific conversation from the bot and store it in a variable called specific_conversation and then we will print it on terminal to see how the response from it looks like.

async def on_start(self, session_metadata: SessionMetadata) -> None:
        conversation_id = '1_on_1:6111e1fb22dcb50edf32e4a8:649b87f63cf84acc47487627'
        await self.highrise.leave_conversation(conversation_id)
        specific_conversation = await self.highrise.get_messages(conversation_id)
        print (specific_conversation)


Error(message='Server error', rid='1')

As you can see, diferently from observed on πŸ“• Get_messages, the conversation seases to exist and an error is returned when printing the response from the specific_conversation since it doesn’t exist anymore.