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Highrise Bot SDK Changelog

Added on version 23.1.0b11

get_voice_status(self,) -> CheckVoiceChatRequest.CheckVoiceChatResponse | Error:

Fetch the voice status for the room.

Support for voice chat management and info, bots can now get information about voice chat in the room if bot owner has privileges to get info or manage bots in the room

⚙️ Use cases

A simple usage can be done using a on_chat command to print the voice status in the console:

async def on_chat(self, user: User, message: str) -> None:
        if message.lower().startswith("/status"):
            voice_status =  await self.highrise.get_voice_status()
            print (voice_status)



Error(message='The room is not voice enabled.', rid='0')