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Added on version 23.1.0b5

get_room_privilege(self, user_id: str) -> RoomPermissions | Error:

Fetch the room privilege for given user_id.

⚙️ Use cases

This code snippet defines an asynchronous function called on_user_join that takes in a user object of type User and returns None. The function is used to handle when a user joins a room.

Within the function, there is an await keyword which indicates that the function is performing an asynchronous operation. The await keyword is used with a method call self.highrise.get_room_privilege( which is a non-blocking method call that allows other code to continue executing while it waits for the method call to complete.

The get_room_privilege method returns a privileges object which is then printed to the console using the print function along with the user.username who just joined the room.

In summary, the on_user_join function handles when a user joins a room, gets the user's room privileges using an asynchronous method call, and prints a message to the console indicating the user who joined and their privileges.

async def on_user_join(self, user: User,position: Position | AnchorPosition) -> None:
        privileges = await self.highrise.get_room_privilege(
        print(f"{user.username} joined the room with the privileges {privileges}")