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Highrise Bot SDK Changelog

Added on version 23.1.0b14

buy_voice_time(self, payment: Literal["bot_wallet_only", "bot_wallet_priority", "user_wallet_only"] = "bot_wallet_only",) -> Literal["success", "insufficient_funds", "only_token_bought"] | Error: """Buy voice time."""

Buys a voice time for a room.

Supports several payment options bot_wallet_onlybot_wallet_priorityuser_wallet_only allowing bot to use its own wallet or user's wallet to pay for the purchase. Or to try to prioritize bot's wallet over user's wallet.

⚙️ Use cases

Here’s a simple example

if message.lower().startswith("/buyvoice"):
            response = await self.highrise.buy_voice_time(payment=Literal["bot_wallet_only"])
            print (response)